Godiag GD101 J2534 vs. VXDIAG VCX SE vs. SVCI J2534

What’s the difference between Godiag GD101 J2534, VXDIAG VCX SE, and SVCI J2534 diagnostic tools? Check the details below.


In summary:

They are cheap j2534 passthru devices that work for many brands.

For diagnostic purposes and DIYers, godiag j2534 is a good start.

For programming, vxdiag vcx se is the best choice.

  • Speed

VXDIAG VCX SE is the fastest.

  • Stability

VXDIAG VCX SE is more stable than STIC j2534 when used as Ford/Mazda j2534 passthru device.

  • Vehicle coverage

VCX SE supports most vehicle brands. STIC and Godiag Passthru Diagnostic Cable cannot support Benz and BMW, while VXDIAG can.

  • VXDIAG software is always kept up-to-date. The VCX is compatible with Ford IDS V128 and without a change date. The SVCI with red housing only can make it work with the old loader and V125, you have to install it in date 05-05-2022 and make a batch file to change to that time so it works and doesn’t expire.

For more details, check the following comparison table.

Product Godiag J2534 VXDIAG VCX SE SVCI J2534
Image godiag gd101 j2534 vs vxdiag vcx se vs svci j2534 1 godiag gd101 j2534 vs vxdiag vcx se vs svci j2534 2 godiag gd101 j2534 vs vxdiag vcx se vs svci j2534 3
Software Ford IDS/

Mazda IDS

Toyota Techstream/

Honda HDS/




ELMConfig, Forscan, ScanMaster/

Volvo VIDA/


Ford IDS/

Mazda IDS/ Toyota  Techstream/


Honda HDS/ Subaru SSM3/SSM4/ Benz Xentry/ Volvo VIDA/


VAG ODIS/ Pcmflash/ Forscan/ PCMHumer

Ford IDS/

Mazda IDS/ Toyota Techstream/

JLR SDD/ ScanMaster-ELM V2.4.12/ PCMSCAN V2.1/ ELMconfig/ Forscan/ FOCCCUS/


Operating system Windows 8/10/11, 32/64bit (Don’t work on Win7) Windows 7/ 8/10/11, 32/64bit  Win7 64bit, Win 8, Win 10
J2534 passthru Yes Yes Yes
Online Module Programming No tested Yes, need an online account, Ford, GM, Honda, Toyota, etc online programming tested ok Yes, need an online account. Only Ford/Mazda online programming tested ok
License No Customize license No
Firmware update No Update online No
Software update Update by Link Update by link (except Benz and BMW thru HDD/SSD) Update by Link
Ford trucks 12 V 1998-2006 with PWM protocol ( F series supported) Unknown Not working on some F series pre-2010 Yes

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