MPM ECU Chip Tuning Tool has all GM protocols for most American cars such as Cadillac, Chevrolet, Buick, Ford, Dodge, etc ECM and TCM OBD reading, all work in OBD, no need damaos. Godiag GT105 Breakout Box and tricore cable can work with MPM to remap GM ECU, using the ignition analog switch of Godiag tricore cable, it’s easy to use and saves a lot of time.
How to connect MPM, Godiag GT105 and Tricore cable correctly?
Check the ECU model and find the relative ECU interface definition diagram from alldata or Mitchell (BMW wiring diagram can be found in the ICOM software)
e.g. GM E38 ECM
GM E67
Connect Godiag Full Protocol OBD2 Jumper and ECU depending on the definition
Confirm the ECU terminals are connected correctly
Connect the 120 ohm CAN protocol resistor again
Connect the ECU dedicated regulated power supply
Connect Godiag tricode cable to GT105 (GT105 can detect the communication status)
Turn on the analog ignition switch to check whether the ECU can send CAN protocol communication
Connect MPM to Godiag GT105 by the MPM OBD cable, and connect to the computer by the MPM USB cable
How to read GM ECU data by MPM?
After connection, run the MPM software to read ECU.
In the VCM Editor interface
Click the Read Vehicle icon in the function bar
Then click “Gather info” to identify vehicle info and VIN
Select the hardware model and Read Entire
Click “Read”
Wait a moment to read out the GM ECU data and backup.
Have successfully tested on GM E38 ECM (2008 Chevrolet Avalanche 1/2ton LS, 5.3L. V8) and GM E67 ECU (2007 Cadillac 2.0L, L4)
Video demo:
Godiag GT105 Breakout Box and Full Protocol OBD2 Jumper: